Chater Lea 1902 2hp 211cc 1 cyl aiv



Chater-Lea 1902     211 cc  Minerva AIV     frame + engine #  1816

Founded  in 1890 , Chater-Lea  turned to the manufacture of lugs and fittings for cycle and  motorcycle frames around 1900.
Incorporated that same year as the Chater -Lea Manufacturing Company Limited, the firm was soon supplying its high-quality products to the greater part of the emerging British motorcycle industry.
The manufacture of components soon led to the supply of entire frames and, in 1903, the firm offered its first complete motorcycle.
However, the company advertised as early as March 1902  Minerva-engined motorcycles built from Chater-Lea fittings and this rare veteran must be one of the earliest survivors.
The engine has been identified  by the British Minerva specialist as  a genuine 1902 type.
The machine was found in a dry barn on the Somerset levels and has been in single ownership from ca. 1972 till 2008.
The former owner finished the restoration and  now she is all ready for the road again after 110 years!